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SCC launches accreditation pilot for AI Management...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the greatest technological advances of our age, and its adoption in Canada has the potential to lead to extensive economic growth opportunities, increased productivity and better quality...
AI accreditation pilot lessons learned report
Piloting draft ISO/IEC 42001 standard and AI system conformity assessment scheme
SCC launches AI accreditation lessons learned...
Our AI accreditation pilot revealed essential insights that are now shaping the development of AI management systems accreditation and certification—find them in our newly published lessons learned report. The report provides...
Notice of Intent
Performance Requirements for Pilot Operated Water...
Devices covered by this standard are pilot operated, diaphragm types. Devices shall be permitted to have a strainer connected to the valve inlet or be without strainer.
Notice of Intent
Pilot Gas Filters
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced pilot gas filters, hereinafter referred to as filters (See Part IV, Definitions), constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials. Compliance of a filter with this...
Behind the standards: How Abdel Kassou is shaping...
We sat down with Abdel Kassou, director of Accreditation Services at the Standards Council of Canada, to learn more about his role and what drives his passion for accreditation. As a leader in ensuring that conformity...
Standards Council of Canada is recruiting participants...
We are actively recruiting a broad representation of stakeholders from industry, academia, federal/provincial/municipal government and civil society to participate in our initiative to develop standards and conformity...
First international standard for AI management...
We are pleased to share that the ISO/IEC 42001 standard for artificial intelligence (AI) management systems has been published! This standard, known as “AIMS”, specifies the requirements and provides guidance for establishing...
Notice of Intent
Occupational diver training
1.1 This Standard applies to occupational diver trainees, training organizations, instructors, and facilities. It describes the requirements for trainee assessment, instructor qualifications, and minimum equipment for each...
Shaping the safe evolution of digital technologies...
Artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies have the potential to deliver significant benefits for Canada and the world, but only if they are developed and used responsibly. Standards and conformity assessment...